Monday, March 25, 2013

24 GHz signal source

This is a 24GHz signal source (estimated 100mW out) used for testing.  It can also be used with a harmonic mixer for 47 GHz.

The design comprises of a brick oscillator tuned to 12.096GHz.  I am using a crystal oscillator
running at 96MHz for reference.  Note this oscillator has a heater for stability - plans are to
replace with a Direct Frequency Synthesis source fed by a 10MHz oscillator.

The Brick feeds a X2 multiplier (surplus) to generate 24.192GHz.  The assembly runs
off 24 Volts and uses regulators to supply voltage to the reference LO, Brick, and multiplier.

The multiplier is attached to an isolator and a WR42 output.

Now, for 47GHz, the output can be fed to a harmonic mixer - in this case, the homebrew
mixer I made from soldering chip diodes to the SMA connector discussed in an earlier
post.  This mixer acts as a half frequency harmonic mixer with a high side 1296 IF to
reach 47.088 GHz    (2x24192) yields 48.384 GHz -1.296 GHz = 47.088 GHz

This text mixer has only been tested in the shack but has detected signals from
a 47G signal source to confirm operation.

One option for this assembly was to include a PIC keyer to provide CW keying
for a beacon although this modification has not been pursued.  The keyer would
make/break the voltage line to the multiplier for keying.

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